Our Ship

Part III
M/V Technical Specifications
MV Oleander- Technical Specification
Hull # YZJ2016-1262
Delivered: January 28, 2019
Flag: Marshall Islands
Port of registry: Majuro
IMO#: 9827334
Official #: 8204
MMSI#: 538008204
Radio Call Sign: V7A2078
GRT: 8313
NRT: 3738
DWT: 6474.06t at 6.3 M draft
Light Ship Disp: 4062.64t
Length overall: 120m
Length between perpendiculars: 115.0m
Beam: 20.0m
Depth: 9.0m
Draft (Summer): 6.5
Freeboard (Summer): 2.513m
Main engine: MAK9M32ETier II
M/E Serial#: 88036
Max continuous rating: 4950 kW @ 750 rpm
Service rating: 4207.5 kW @750 rpm
Service speed: 14.47 knots / at loaded condition (85% MCR 15% sea margin with PTO)
Gearbox: RSV-900
Propeller: N141CC7T
Bow thruster: KT-72B3
Auxiliary: 3 x Lindenberg. Scania DI 16 091M (04-73B) IMO III
Shaft Generator: 1 x 1000kw
Fuel capacity: Heavy fuel: 477m3
Marine gas oil 234m3
Fuel consumption: HFO about 850kg/h at 85% MCR (based on heat value 40100kJ/kg) 2677.6kW on propeller shaft + 1000kW on Shaft Generator
Endurance: About 6,000 nm
Lube oil capacity: 38m3
Fresh water capacity: 149m3
Ballast tank capacity: 3557m3
Container capacity: 456teu
20 ft Container Stack Weights: 45 MT on deck Main deck. 15MT on B-Deck.
Reefer plugs: 72 plugs
Stern Ro-Ro ramp capacity: 60 MT
Vehicle capacity: 60 MT
Trailer capacity Garage: 6
Trailers Re-Ro on deck hatches: 8